Cluster information

The cluster, placed in academia sinica, is registered in Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) as Tiar3 in Taiwan, called T3_TW_TIDC and provides resources of 768 CPU cores and 500+ TB storage. For local users, the cluster also donates a local job submission UI called TIDC-ui01 under CentOS7 (maybe upgrade in future?). To be able be access this cluster, you have to apply a personal account in here. Note that people affiliated to NTU and NCU should fill Kai-Feng Chen and Chia-Ming Kuo as PI, respectively.

Once your application is approved, you can access the cluster by using SSH

ssh -YC <your account name>@[](<>)

and your screen output should look like

Screen Shot 2023-11-12 at 23.24.38.png

You can also directly access files stored in T3_TW_TIDC ( /eos/cms/store/user/ ) if you submit CRAB jobs and point the storage site to this T3.

CMS Virtual Organization Membership (CMS VO)

Besides T3_TW_TIDC, if your analysis needs to access files in the other Tiar clusters of WLCG, tidc-ui01 also is available to create your own Grid certificate for access under the premise that you have a cern account and CMS VO Membership.

To have VO Membership, please follow the below steps :

Once you have the VO Membership, to get access to WLCG through tidc-ui01, please put your certificate myCertificate.p12 to tidc-ui01 and then do the following commands. These commands only need to do once unless you update your myCertificate.p12 .


cd ~
mkdir .globus
cd ~/.globus
cp ~/${myCert} .

openssl pkcs12 -in ${myCert} -clcerts -nokeys -out usercert.pem
openssl pkcs12 -in ${myCert} -nocerts -out userkey.pem
chmod 400 userkey.pem
chmod 400 usercert.pem
cd ~

Finally, to authenticate the grid certificate, you have to do the following commands. A private key x509up_u<your UID> with a duration of 168 hours will be created and assigned to X509_USER_PROXY environment variable. Then you can use the grid resource according to X509_USER_PROXY as accessing the CMS data or simulated samples in DAS or submitting CRAB jobs. Note that you have to reassign X509_USER_PROXY whenever you login to tidc-ui01 or redo the following commands again when x509up_u<your UID> is expired.

voms-proxy-init -voms cms -rfc -out ${HOME}/x509up_u${UID} --valid 168:00
export X509_USER_PROXY=${HOME}/x509up_u${UID} 

CernVM File System (CVMFS)